In the press: Britain’s textile industry gets an unexpected boost from COVID-19 13 April 2020

Kate Hills features in an article on regarding the impact of Covid-19 on British manufacturing.
Kate Hills of Make It British, a manufacturing advocacy group, said that British clothing retailers and brands are now focused on sourcing their fabrics domestically “so that in future the whole garment can be made in the U.K.”
When the disease finally recedes, won’t all these supply chain anxieties subside, too? Hills thinks not.
“I think the coronavirus is going to change the clothing industry’s mindset,” she said. “The industry will ask, ‘Do you want all your products made somewhere like China, or should you spread your risk and start making at least a percentage of your products much closer to homer, in the U.K.?’”
One of the biggest economic casualties of the crisis could be the international supply chain, and that, Hills believes, will help Britain’s textile manufacturers.