Looking for UK manufacturers? Come to our trade show!
Clothing manufacturers, bag makers, fabric mills, knitwear factories, a wool room and an enterprise room specially for small businesses…find it all at ‘Meet the Manufacturer 2017’

One of the questions that I most often get asked is:
‘Where can I find UK manufacturers to make my products, I’ve looked everywhere!?‘.
So in 2014 I set up an event to solve just that problem. A trade show and conference for the UK manufacturing industry called, for want of a better name at the time, Meet the Manufacturer.
The inaugural event was in 2014 and featured 56 manufacturers. This year the event will have over 170 suppliers to the UK fashion, textile and homewares industry as well as British brands that produce in Britain.
It is the place to come if you want to find a British manufacturer that can make a product to your specifications. It doesn’t matter whether your orders are large or small, there are different types of manufacturers there for everyone, and for every type of product.
Part of the reason that I set the show up was because I was amazed at how many people didn’t go and visit manufacturers and meet them face to face. I think this in-person networking is essential if you want to successfully make a product in the UK. I even wrote an article giving 5 good reasons why you should meet your manufacturer face to face – you can read it on our event website or on Linkedin here.
Alongside the trade show we also hold seminars, with leading industry speakers who can inspire you and help your business to understand the benefits and challenges of making in the UK. See the agenda here.
This year we have even more for you to see with live demonstrations and work shops and the opportunity to Meet the Expert.
As well as the free to attend seminars taking place throughout the show, we are also hosting live workshops and demonstrations in the Sewing Area of the main Manufacturers Hall. Here you will be able to see live millinery, pattern cutting, printing, leather work and of course sewing taking place. For details on the workshops click here.
We are also hosting Meet the Expert sessions this year in our Enterprise Hall. You’ll have the opportunity to meet industry experts and pick their brains on everything from production, marketing, sourcing and of course manufacturing. Click here to find out more.
I look forward to seeing you at the show.
Meet the Manufacturer, 24-25th May, The Old Truman Brewery, London. E1