How to follow-up after a trade show

You’ve visited a trade show and made some great contacts, then what? How to you make the most of those contacts and take your discussions further? Read on for our tips, and sample email, on how to follow-up after a trade show.

Image from Make it British Live!

1. Follow-up promptly

Don’t leave it too long between the trade show and when you make contact as they are less likely to remember you amongst all the other visitors and the momentum might be lost.

2. Make it clear who you are, where you made contact and what information you are interested in

Make sure you communicate clearly, and to the point, don’t expect the exhibitor to remember everything about your meeting or be able to read between the lines.

3. Don’t tell them your life history

Manufacturers are very busy and receive a lot of emails from potential customers.  Don’t put them off by giving them too much to read, keep the email focused and relevant.

4. Give them one ‘call-to-action’ that you would like them to take after reading your email

Make sure there’s a purpose to your email, how do you want the manufacturer or supplier to respond?

Requests might include:

  • A price
  • Swatches
  • Technical information
  • Logistical information
  • Follow-up call
  • Follow-up visit
Example simple and to the point email
Keep your email simple and to the point