Hello and Welcome to Series 5 of the Make it British Podcast.
The new series is coming very soon. The first episode will be released on Friday 3rd March.
In the meantime, I wanted to tell you about a few things we have coming up, that if you are a listener of this podcast you will probably be really interested to hear about.
Selling Without Social
An online workshop that I will be hosting on Thursday 23rd February.
Covering all of the different ways that you can market and sell your product-based business without using social media!
Go to makeitbritish.co.uk/sws and you’ll also get a £10 discount as a podcast listener.
British Brand Accelerator
The doors for our group coaching programme, British Brand Accelerator, are opening at the end of this month (February 2023), but only for a very short time.
If you know you’re serious about launching or growing your business in 2023, then make sure that you sign up to the waitlist. We will then send you all the details ahead of the official launch, so that you can get first dibs on a spot.
Go to makeitbritish.co.uk/apply to save your spot on the waitlist
British Brand Bedrock Podcast
British Brand Bedrock is a private podcast feed covering over 30 of the most commonly asked questions that we get asked at Make it British.
Want to subscribe to this special, private podcast feed? Go to makeitbritish.co.uk/bedrock and you’ll be able to sign up.
Make it British – The Book!
Something really exciting that I wanted to tell you about, is that I am writing a book!
That’s part of the reason why I took a break from recording the podcast for a couple of months, as I wanted to focus on starting on the book.
The book will, of course, be about manufacturing products in the UK. And will include case studies on some of the very best UK manufacturers and British brands.
If you are interested in being one of the first to get hold of a copy of my book go to makeitbritish.co.uk/book to get more details 🙂
As always, I love getting your feedback about the podcast. Please do keep those comments coming, either as a review in your favourite podcast app. You can find a whole back catalogue of over 250 episodes at makeitbritish.co.uk/podcast
If you want to contact me about anything you hear on the podcast please drop me an email to [email protected] that way your message will go into my VIP folder and won’t get lost in the Make it British inbox, which can be a very busy place at times.