Hello and welcome to Series 6 of the Make it British podcast.
After a 6 month break the Make it British Podcast is coming back! The first episode will be released on Friday 6th October 2023.
I have so much to fill you in on! Thanks to everyone that has requested more podcast episodes. It wasn’t until I stopped doing them that I truly realised how much everyone loved and missed them.
A lot has changed at Make it British since I last recorded an episode of the podcast. And it’s been so long since I recorded one that I almost forgot how to do it! But I’ve dusted the old mic off and will be bringing you an episode weekly (usually on a Friday) for the foreseeable future.
In the new series I’ll be sharing tons of tips and advice for making in the UK, and getting into the nitty gritty of running a small business that is made in Britain. With lots of special guests who have been there, done it and are wearing the British-made T-shirt to prove it!
You’ll also hear from UK manufacturers in the fashion and textile sector and there’ll also be a few surprise guests from other sectors sharing useful advice that I think you’ll want to hear.
Some of the episodes will also be recorded as videos and shared on my YouTube channel.
So if you want to make sure that you don’t miss an episode, subscribe to the Make it British podcast in your favourite podcast app and also over on YouTube.
In the meantime, you can find a whole back catalogue of over 260 episodes of this podcast on my website at makeitbritish.co.uk/podcast or in the app that you are listening to this in now.
And if you want to contact me about anything you hear on the podcast please drop me an email to [email protected] that way your message will go into my VIP folder.
Thank you so much for listening to this little trailer. And I look forward to bringing you series 6 of the Make it British podcast!