
157 – Tapping into Deadstock Materials – Dessy Tsolova

How can you find deadstock materials for your brand? 

In this episode, Dessy from Fashion Insiders & Co and I discuss some of the challenges of starting a fashion brand, including one of the biggest challenges of all, which is how to find raw materials in small quantities. 

Dessy has recently launched a platform call My Factori which hosts online pop-up sales selling raw materials that designers may otherwise not have access to. 

It also solves a problem for the manufacturers that have cash tied up in raw materials sitting in their factories that they can’t use.


  • The moment Dessy realised she didn’t want to work as a fashion designer 02:03
  • How she launched the manufacturing platform Utelier 03:59
  • The biggest challenges for people setting up a brand in 2021 05:40
  • What criteria you shoud look for when trying to find someone to help you with manufacturing. 08:49
  • The challenge of finding raw materials and how Dessy has set up a platform to help solve the issue 11:56
  • How manufacturers can sell their deadstock raw materials 24:31
  • Other places to find stock / small quantities of sustainable raw materials 34:17

More about Dessy Tsolova and Fashion Insiders & Co

Fashion Insiders & Co website MyFactori website

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